Hello Sudip,

If i may answer, i'm compiling petsc apart of dealii, and when compiling dealii, i'm using those kind of cmake options : -DHDF5_DIR=$PETSC_DIR -DPETSC_DIR=$PETSC_DIR -DPETSC_ARCH="" -DSLEPC_DIR=$PETSC_DIR -DP4EST_DIR=$PETSC_DIR -DDEAL_II_WITH_P4EST=ON -DMETIS_DIR=$PETSC_DIR -DDEAL_II_WITH_METIS=ON -DDEAL_II_WITH_SLEPC=ON -DDEAL_II_WITH_PETSC=ON

You have to put the right value in the environment variable PETSC_DIR.

Then, you have a summary.log file inside the building directory. Personally i have :
#        DEAL_II_WITH_HDF5 set up with external dependencies
#        DEAL_II_WITH_METIS set up with external dependencies
#        DEAL_II_WITH_MPI set up with external dependencies
#        DEAL_II_WITH_P4EST set up with external dependencies
#        DEAL_II_WITH_PETSC set up with external dependencies

Meaning that it has found the right libs. Moreover, i'm using a lot the tests directory. You have some very small programs with one testing purpose. I learned a lot there.

Hope this help,

Best regards,


Le 3/5/2025 à 8:02 AM, Sudip Kunda a écrit :
Hello all,

The main issue I am trying to solve is the compilation of the program in the code gallery at this link :

https://dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/ code_gallery_Quasi_static_Finite_strain_Quasi_incompressible_ViscoElasticity.html

The compilation is failing because dealii is unable to find METIS. I have an installation of dealii with mpi, p4est, petsc (with METIS), slepc and trilinos. I have tried two things :

1) Installing METIS separately and pointing dealii to the installation folder for METIS while configuring the dealii installation. This did not work because dealii was unable to find certain .so files that it requires.

2) Installing petsc with METIS so that dealii will pick up the METIS that petsc downloaded. I also tried to use the cmake configuration options to point dealii to the METIS installation that came with petsc, but I must have given the wrong path. Is there a way to get dealii to recognise the fact that metis was already installed on the system when petsc was installed ? Are there any configuration options necessary while compiling METIS separately that make it easier to install with dealii ? Are there any other ways to provide a METIS installation to dealii ? I appreciate any help in this regard.

Thanking you,
Best Regards,
Sudip Kunda

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