
I have encountered a problem when introducing a second loop over cells (in 
parallel distributed triangulation). The code looks something like this:

for (const auto &cell_outer : dof_handler_vel.active_cell_iterators())
if (cell_outer->is_locally_owned()) {*do something...}*
for (const auto &cell_inner : dof_handler_vel.active_cell_iterators())
if (cell_inner->is_locally_owned()) {*do something...}* } }

and the problem is that no process takes ownership over *cell_outer*, i.e. 
the body of the first *if *statement is never executed. The second loop 
works fine.

If anyone experienced this sort of problem, or understand what is happening 
here, I would appreciate any help.

For context: I have source strength (e.g. a charge) at each support point 
of the FE, and I want to calculate the field induced by these sources at 
each of the support points. My approach: first loop iterates over the cells 
to obtain the coordinates of the support points - the process that owns the 
cell broadcasts the coordinates to all the other processes, second loop 
calculates the field strength at these support points by integrating over 
the entire domain.

I am sure there is a better way of doing this. I searched the documentation 
but did not find anything. Has anyone done something similar and could help 


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