Dear Bangerth,

I've successfully solved points 1 and 2.

However, I'm encountering difficulties with point 3. Could you assist me in 
understanding how to extract the feature IDs from the .vtk file after 
reading it in dealii, and then perform further operations based on these 
feature IDs in dealii?

Thank you.
On Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 1:16:21 PM UTC+5:30 ME20D503 NEWTON wrote:

> Dear Bangerth, I'm facing difficulties with the following issues, and I 
> would appreciate your input:
> I'm working on processing a .vtk file exported from DREAM.3D using 
> PRISMS-PF scripts(
> to convert it into a .vtk file format with UNSTRUCTURED_GRID dataset, 
> making it compatible with deal.II.
> Here are my specific doubts:
>    1. 
>    In the final .vtk file format, I don't have information about the 
>    element type (linear or quadratic). Is it possible to assign the element 
>    type in deal.II after reading the .vtk file?
>    2. 
>    In the final .vtk file format, there is no information regarding the 
>    scale I'm working with. I intend to create a nanoscale sample, but the 
>    dimensions I set in DREAM.3D are unitless. Is it possible to scale it down 
>    in deal.II after reading the .vtk file?
>    3. 
>    The final .vtk file includes information like featureId (please see 
>    the attached figure). After reading this .vtk file, I want to assign some 
>    variables to the featureId. Is it possible to extract the value and assign 
>    variables to it in deal.II?
> I am attaching all the files.
> *trial1.vtk* a rectilinear grid cell data output from DREAM.3D
> *microstructure_RL_resampled.vtk *point data (using prismPF script)
> *microstructure_US.vtk *UNSTRUCTURED_GRID dataset type(using prismPF 
> script)
> Thank you.
> On Friday, March 1, 2024 at 3:04:32 AM UTC+5:30 Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
>> On 2/29/24 02:08, ME20D503 NEWTON wrote: 
>> > However, I'm facing some confusion regarding the appropriate file 
>> format for 
>> > exporting from Dream3D to Deal. II. Additionally, I've come across 
>> another 
>> > open-source software, PRISM-PF (
>> > <
>> which has successfully achieved a similar process and is built upon Deal. 
>> II. 
>> > 
>> > I would greatly appreciate any guidance or insights you could provide 
>> on this 
>> > matter. 
>> If PRISM-PR does what you want, by all means go with it! As for the 
>> Dream3d 
>> format: You need to explain in more detail what "I'm facing some 
>> confusion" 
>> means in concrete terms :-) 
>> Best 
>> W. 
>> -- 
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>> Wolfgang Bangerth email: 
>> www: 

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