Dear Dr. Bangerth,

I am currently working on generating a synthetic microstructure of 
polycrystalline material using Dream3D, an open-source software (accessible 
at My intention is to import this 
microstructure into Deal.II for further simulations, such as discretization 
and solving phase field equations.

However, I'm facing some confusion regarding the appropriate file format 
for exporting from Dream3D to Deal. II. Additionally, I've come across 
another open-source software, PRISM-PF (, which has successfully 
achieved a similar process and is built upon Deal. II.

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or insights you could provide on 
this matter.

Thank you.
On Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 1:36:12 PM UTC+5:30 Wolfgang Bangerth 

> On 2/28/24 21:21, ME20D503 NEWTON wrote:
> > I am writing to inquire about the feasibility of directly importing 
> Dream3D 
> > synthetic microstructures into Deal.II. If this is indeed possible, 
> could you 
> > kindly provide guidance on the required file format?
> @Newton:
> I'm not sure anyone here has heard of that file format (or, indeed, what 
> it 
> represents) before. What is it? What does it represent? Where is it 
> documented?
> In general, people read in all sorts of file formats in their programs. 
> But it 
> all starts from understanding what the data means and how it is 
> represented.
> Best
> W.
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Wolfgang Bangerth email:
> www:

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