Hi there, 

I'm trying to use a space-time HDG method to solve time-dependent problems 
with deforming domains. Specifically, we want the solution process to adopt 
a slab-by-slab approach. Please see the picture attached. 

As shown in blue dots and arrows, we want the solution on the top boundary 
of the n^{th} space-time slab to contribute to boundary conditions of the 
(n+1)^{th} space-time slab. I'm wondering how to go about doing this in 

The closest thing I found is the get_function_values function whereby a 
finite element function is evaluated at face quadrature points. My 
reference is the static condensation routine in step-51. The specific line 

        fe_face_values.get_function_values(solution, trace_values); 

The problem I have with this is that the FEFaceValues object needs to be on 
the same page with the solution vector in terms of the global DoF indices 
whereas for my case, it doesn't seem quite possible without getting hacky 
since I have two different triangulations. 

Any help would be much appreciated! 


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