Thank you for your explanation.

Is there any other way by which I can create the same geometry (Circular
inclusion in the square) ?
My project is related to "Multiscale Modeling of Failure of Composite
Materials" for that purpose I need to create a different RVE
(Representative Volume Element) for the heterogeneous material. These RVE
may include one or more circular fiber or inclusions.
How can I solve this problem with dealii?

Please see the attached example of RVE below, which I want to create in

[image: image.png]

Thanks and regards,

On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 1:37 AM Wolfgang Bangerth <>

> On 2/9/23 11:28, Deepika Kushwah wrote:
> > **
> >
> > I have changed the default tolerance as you suggested but the problem is
> > still persisting.
> > In the coarse meshing, there are only 4 points connected between the two
> > triangulations and after refinement there is still the same connection.
> > How can we increase the connecting points?
> I see the problem now. If you count how many points there are on the
> circle from the inner mesh and the outer mesh, the number is different.
> These meshes *can't* be merged as you want. Merging meshes can only work
> if you have the same number of vertices coming together at the interface
> where you want to merge the meshes.
> Best
>   W.
> --
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