Hello everyone,
Since I am dealing with a fluid-structure interaction system using a fully 
coupled approach.
Degrees of freedom are displacement and pressure.
The Jacobian matrix is ​​block-wise and has the following form:
[    K          Q   ]
[  Q(T)       H  ]
where K is the stiffness matrix and has a large condition number.
This is a symmetric matrix, but not guaranteed to be positive definite。

Because the matrix is ​​relatively large, it is hoped that an iterative 
solver can be used.
I tried conjugate gradient, GMRES and AMG methods.All of these are 
difficult to converge.

I can't find literature that discusses solvers for related problems.
So my question is what solver would be more suitable for my case?
In addition, is there some special solver or special preprocessing method 
for block matrix?

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