
If J has full rank, this means that none of the 8 columns is linearly dependent on another column or, equivalently, no parameter is linearly dependent on another parameter.


" You would generally choose the (normalizes) eigenvectors of the J^T J
you have as the unit directions and the new set of parameters are then
multipliers for these directions. "

Is it reasonable to choose \sum_{i=1}^8 ev_i(ev_i are the normalized eigenvectors)
as the new set of parameters?

The sum you show is only one vector. You need 8 basis vectors.

Think of it this way: You have 8 parameters, which I'm going to call a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h. The parameter space is 8-dimensional, and the solution of the parameter estimation problem is a point in this parameter space which I'm going to call
and you choose to represent this point in 8-space via
  x^* = a^* e_a + b^* e_b + ...

But you could have chosen to represent x^* as well via
  x^* = A^* E_1 + B^* E_2 + ...
  E_1 = \sqrt{lambda_1} ev_1
  E_2 = \sqrt{lambda_2} ev_2
(or some such) and then you are seeking the coefficient A,B,C, ...

" Of course, all of this requires computing the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of the current J^T J once."

If I get the gist correctly, I first run my dealii program to compute J like I do it right now, thence compute the eigenvectors, and based on them the new set of parameters. Finally, I run my dealii program again to compute the new J with the new parameters.

Yes, something like this.

I did not read about such a scaling technique in the context of parameter estimation so far.
Do you have any reference where the procedure is described?

Sorry, I don't. But I have a test problem for you: Try to minimize the function
  f(x,y) = 10000*(x-y)^2 + (x+y)^2
It has a unique minimum, but the x,y-values along the valley of this function are highly correlated and so a steepest descent method will be very ill-conditioned. The eigenvectors of the Hessian of this function give you the uncorrelated coordinate directions:
  ev_1 = 1/sqrt(2) [1 1]
  ev_2 = 1/sqrt(2) [1 -1]
If you introduce variables
  A = (x-y)*sqrt(10000)
  B = (x+y)*sqrt(1)
your objective function will become
  f(A,B) = A^2 + B^2
which is much easier to minimize. Once you have the solution A^*, B^*, you can back out to x^*, y^*.

Wolfgang Bangerth          email:       

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