On 10/11/22 23:19, 'yy.wayne' via deal.II User Group wrote:

Specifically, when a Trilinos::SolverDirect object calls solve(), the line


is not executed.
I've debuged with both QT and gdb but error information is similiar, both only returns a segmentation fault

I know nothing about the code in question, but have this advice:

The way to debug segmentation faults is to run the program in a debugger and do two things: * Take a look at the backtrace (=call stack) to know where you are when the segfault happens * In the debugger, go to the function where the problem happens and inspect the local variables. A segfault means that you are accessing memory you are not allowed to look at, and it is useful to know what variable it is you are accessing. Typically, this is either an invalid array access, or derefencing NULL or uninitialized pointers. You can often infer what happened if you know what variable causes the invalid access.

I believe that I show something like this process in one of my video lectures, but there are also certainly many other videos on youtube that show this general procedure.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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