
I can't identify the problem right away, but here are some tips in 
debugging it:

   - Does the problem persist if you disable both h- and p-refinement? If 
   so, than an issue might be that your data structures haven't been 
   reinitialized after you updated your discretization.
   - Do you run the code in Debug mode?
   - Do you use the latest version of Trilinos?


On Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 7:02:26 AM UTC-6 yy.wayne wrote:

> In step-75 I try to replace the coarse mg solver with a direct solver, 
> which is TrilinosWrappers::SolverDirect. However I get Segmentation error 
> calling the direct solver, at the last step of SolverDirect::solve():
>     solver_control.check(0,0);
>  Where could be the mistake?  (The deal.ii version is 9.4.0)

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