My debugger seems to not work properly i do not know why. Maybe you can 
find the issue if i post some of the code:
This is my PointHistory class with old_stress included:

*  template <int dim,typename NumberType>*
*  class PointHistory*
*  {*
*  public:*
*    PointHistory()*
*    : old_stress(SymmetricTensor<2, dim,NumberType>())*
*    {}*

*    virtual ~PointHistory()*
*    {}*

*    // The first function is used to create a material object and to*
*    // initialize all tensors correctly: The second one updates the stored*
*    // values and stresses based on the current deformation measure*
*    // $\textrm{Grad}\mathbf{u}_{\textrm{n}}$.*
*    void setup_lqp (const Parameters::AllParameters &parameters)*
*    {*
*      material =*
*      update_values(Tensor<2, dim,NumberType>());*
*    }*

*    void update_values(const Tensor<2, dim,NumberType> &Grad_u_n)*
*    {*
*      const Tensor<2, dim> F = 
*      const NumberType               det_F = determinant(F);*
*      const SymmetricTensor<2,dim,NumberType> C = 
*      old_stress = material->get_s_piola(det_F,C);*
*    }*

*    NumberType get_det_F() const*
*    {*
*      return material->get_det_F();*
*    }*

*    const SymmetricTensor<2, dim,NumberType> get_C() const*
*    {*
*      return material->get_C;*
*    }    *

*    // We offer an interface to retrieve certain data.*
*    // This is the strain energy:*
*/*     NumberType*
*    get_Psi(const NumberType                        &det_F,*
*            const SymmetricTensor<2,dim,NumberType> &b_bar) const*
*    {*
*      return material->get_Psi(det_F,b_bar);*
*    } */*

*    // Here are the kinetic variables. These are used in the material and*
*    // global tangent matrix and residual assembly operations:*
*    // First is the Kirchhoff stress:*
*    SymmetricTensor<2,dim,NumberType>*
*    get_s_piola(const NumberType                        &det_F,*
*            const SymmetricTensor<2,dim,NumberType> &C) const*
*    {*
*      return material->get_s_piola(det_F,C);*
*    }*

*    // And the tangent:*
*    SymmetricTensor<4,dim,NumberType>*
*    get_Jc(const Tensor<2, dim, NumberType> &F,*
*           const SymmetricTensor<2,dim,NumberType> &S,*
*           const Tensor<2, dim, NumberType> &F_inv,*
*           const NumberType &det_F,*
*           const SymmetricTensor<2,dim,NumberType> &C) const*
*    {*
*      return material->get_Jc(F,S,F_inv,det_F,C);*
*    }*

*    SymmetricTensor<2,dim,NumberType> old_stress;*

*    // In terms of member functions, this class stores for the quadrature*
*    // point it represents a copy of a material type in case different*
*    // materials are used in different regions of the domain, as well as 
*    // inverse of the deformation gradient...*
*  private:*
*    std::shared_ptr< 
Material_Compressible_Neo_Hook_One_Field_Pert<dim,NumberType> > material;*
*  };*

I update my old_stress by using the update_values void like in step 44. 
And here is my output_results void:

*  template <int dim,typename NumberType>*
*  void Solid<dim,NumberType>::output_results() const*
*  {*
*    DataOut<dim> data_out;*
*    std::vector<DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation>*
*    data_component_interpretation(dim,*

*    std::vector<std::string> solution_name(dim, "displacement");*
*    data_out.attach_dof_handler(dof_handler_ref);*
*    data_out.add_data_vector(solution_n,*
*                             solution_name,*
*                             DataOut<dim>::type_dof_data,*
*                             data_component_interpretation);*
*    Postprocessor<dim> postprocessor;*
*    data_out.add_data_vector(solution_n, postprocessor);*
*    Vector<double> norm_of_stress(triangulation.n_active_cells());*
*        for (auto &cell : triangulation.active_cell_iterators()){*
*          if (cell->is_locally_owned())*
*          {*
*            SymmetricTensor<2, dim> accumulated_stress;*
*            printf("\n cell owned\n");*
*            for (unsigned int q = 0; q < qf_cell.size(); ++q){*
*              std::cout<<q<<" ";*
*                  accumulated_stress +=*
*                    reinterpret_cast<PointHistory<dim,NumberType> 
*            }*
*          }*
*      } *

*    Vector<double> soln(solution_n.size());*
*    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < soln.size(); ++i)*
*      soln(i) = solution_n(i);*
*    MappingQEulerian<dim> q_mapping(degree, dof_handler_ref, soln);*
*    data_out.build_patches(q_mapping, degree);*

*    std::ostringstream filename;*
*    filename << "solution-" << time.get_timestep() << ".vtk";*

*    std::ofstream output(filename.str().c_str());*
*    data_out.write_vtk(output);*
*  }*


BBah schrieb am Freitag, 20. Mai 2022 um 09:07:06 UTC+2:

> Like u mentioned i should be able to use the same loop without the 
> workstream::run function but i do not know why this is not working. I guess 
> it is a really small issue but i cannot find it.
> BBah schrieb am Freitag, 20. Mai 2022 um 09:03:00 UTC+2:
>> Hello Mr.Bangerth. I already implemented the old stress in my 
>> PointHistory class to get the stresses form material->get_tau() (like in 
>> step 44). This is my loop right now which actually the same as in step 18:
>>     Vector<double> norm_of_stress(triangulation.n_active_cells());
>>         for (auto &cell : triangulation.active_cell_iterators()){
>>           if (cell->is_locally_owned())
>>           {
>>             SymmetricTensor<2, dim> accumulated_stress;
>>             printf("\n cell owned\n");
>>             for (unsigned int q = 0; q < qf_cell.size(); ++q){
>>               std::cout<<q<<" ";
>>                   accumulated_stress +=
>>                     reinterpret_cast<PointHistory<dim,NumberType> *>(cell
>> ->user_pointer())[q].old_stress;
>>             }
>>           }
>>       } 
>> I am able to compile this but running leads to a segmentation fault. 
>> Wolfgang Bangerth schrieb am Freitag, 20. Mai 2022 um 02:02:33 UTC+2:
>>> On 5/19/22 00:47, BBah wrote: 
>>> > 
>>> > i am just trying to put out the norm of the stresses like in step 18. 
>>> Is there 
>>> > a way to save my stress tensor for each cell and put it out ? In step 
>>> 18 there 
>>> > is a loop through each cell and the locally owned are used to put out 
>>> the 
>>> > stresses. Is there a way to do the same with the workstream object ? 
>>> Been 
>>> > searching for a while for a solution but could not find one. Putting 
>>> out the 
>>> > strains is easy since the gradient of the displacements are saved but 
>>> how to 
>>> > do the same with the stresses ? 
>>> BBah: What have you tried already? When you loop over all cells with 
>>> WorkStream, the WorkStream::run() function calls your 'worker' function 
>>> for 
>>> every cell. This is the place where you would create output. 
>>> Alternatively, if all you want is to generate some output, just do it 
>>> with the 
>>> same loop as done in step-18. WorkStream is meant for cases where 
>>> something is 
>>> expensive and you want to do it in parallel, but outputting a couple of 
>>> numbers for each cell is not expensive. 
>>> Best 
>>> WB 
>>> -- 
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>>> Wolfgang Bangerth email: 
>>> www: 

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