Hello everybody,

i am trying to output my stresses by using a similar approach like in Step 

* {*
*for (auto &cell : triangulation 
*if (cell->is_locally_owned())*
* {*
*SymmetricTensor<2, dim> 
*for (unsigned int q = 0; q < quadrature_formula.size(); ++q)*
* accumulated_stress +=*
*reinterpret_cast<PointHistory<dim> *>(cell->user_pointer())[q]*
* .old_stress;*
* norm_of_stress(cell->active_cell_index()) =*
* (accumulated_stress / quadrature_formula.size()).norm 
* }*
* norm_of_stress(cell->active_cell_index()) = -1e 
* }*
* data_out.add_data_vector 

I have implemented my problem like in Step 44 by using the Workstream 
object. How can i implement this part of code in my case ? How can i call 
my "old_stress" from the PointHistory for each cell ?  

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