Thanks for Dr. Wolfgang Bangerth's detailed information and very great tip on debugging though I am settled with interpolation now. However, I would like to seek some suggestions about implementation on FE_FaceQ defined on skeleton that conforming to the small elements.
scratch.proj_dirichlet_rhs(ii) * task_data.cell_matrix(ii,ii); > when assigning to cell_vector. Is that because you want to set the > corresponding entries in the rhs as boundary values? If so, is the > cell_matrix > already correctly computed? Yes, I want to set the corresponding entries in the rhs as boundary values. Since the implementation is placed in the end of HDG::assemble_system_one_cell, I believe that the cell_matrix is already computed. If I understand your approach correctly, then you are doing a local > projection > on each face, one face after the other. You will then overwrite the > already > computed values of DoFs on a face that are shared with a previously > visited > face. That's ok, but it's not the same as a global projection, of course. > I > suspect that this will not be more accurate than interpolation of boundary > values. > Thanks for the pointing it out. When I implement it, I thought that at boundary we have faces conforming to the fine elements since there is no adjacent element. However, I just realized that it is not the case for dealii when I print out the information about DoFs on a simple nonconforming mesh. As pointed out at beginning, I am also wondering if it is possible to implement FE_FaceQ in a way that it is defined on skeleton that conforming to the small elements. That is, no constraint is required. According to the suggestions given in the posts "Fe_faceq on adapted grids <>" and "Error when make_hanging_node_constraints: FE_TraceQ element <>", it seems that it is possible though no one actually try to do it. Best Regards, Jau-Uei Chen -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User Group" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit