I am currently working on a HDG solver and use step-51 as a reference. I found
that the example does not work for a 3d setting along with adaptivity. It
seems that an error is from "VectorTools::project_boundary_values", the error
message I got is:
An error occurred in line <742> of file
in function
void dealii::VectorTools::internal::do_project_boundary_values(const
M_or_MC<dim, spacedim>&, const DoFHandlerType<dim, spacedim>&, const
std::map<unsigned int, const dealii::Function<spacedim, number>*>&, const
Q_or_QC<(dim - 1)>&,std::map<unsigned int, number>&, std::vector<unsigned
int>) [with int dim = 3; int spacedim = 3; DoFHandlerType =
dealii::DoFHandler; M_or_MC = dealii::Mapping; Q_or_QC = dealii::Quadrature;
number = double]
The violated condition was:
level == cell->level()
Additional information:
The mesh you use in projecting boundary values has hanging nodes at the
boundary. This would require dealing with hanging node constraints when
solving the linear system on the boundary, but this is not currently implemented.
The version of dealii I use is 9.2.0. I am wondering if there is any way to
resolve this error.
Not easily. Basically, what is happening is that for *projection* of boundary
values, you need to build and solve a linear system of only those degrees of
freedom that are located on the boundary. The way this is currently done is
unable to deal with hanging node constraints.
There are approaches to deal with this, but they are (as far as I know) not
currently implemented and so even newer versions of deal.II will not support
this. There are two options for you:
* You can use *interpolation* (rather than projection) of boundary values
* You can implement the missing functionality. We'd be happy to guide you on
how this can be done, but it will involve a certain amount of work.
Besides this error, I also have a hard time investigating
the vertice initiated by FE_FaceQ and would also like to seek some
suggestions. Here is my code modified from step-51:
template <int dim>
void HDG<dim>::assemble_system_one_cell(
const typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator &cell,
ScratchData & scratch,
PerTaskData & task_data)
for( unsigned int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo< dim
>::faces_per_cell; ++face ){
if(cell->face(face)->at_boundary() &&
(cell->face(face)->boundary_id() == 0)){
std::cout << "node points" << std::endl;
for (const auto v: cell->face(face)->vertex_indices()){
This uses a function that was introduced only in deal.II 9.3, I believe. But
you can equivalently implement this line using
for (unsigned int v=0; v<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_face; ++v)
Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostate.edu
www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/
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