On 2/10/22 21:24, vachanpo...@gmail.com wrote:

Is there a way to get the shortest distance from cell center to a given boundary in p::d::Triangulation? What I really want is the wall normal distance. Any other suggestions are also welcome.

This is a very difficult operation to do even in sequential computations unless you have an analytical description of the boundary. That's because in principle you would have to compare the current position with all points (or at least all vertices) on the boundary -- which is very expensive to do if you had to do it for more than just a few points. The situation does not get better if you are in parallel, because then you don't even know all of the boundary vertices.

The only efficient way to do this sort of operation is to solve an eikonal equation in which the solution function equals the distance to the boundary. You can't solve it exactly, and so whatever distance you get is going to be a finite-dimensional approximation of the exact distance function.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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