On 2/9/21 3:20 PM, Pascal Kraft wrote:

I have a similar question: I want to couple dofs between two meshes. They have a shared surface (shared in the sense that it is at the same location). I assemble my system blockwise. The one mesh describes the "inner" domain I use in multiple situations and the other mesh is a pml domain I only use to truncate sometimes. I want to build an affineconstraints object to couple the surface dofs together but I'm running into problems, especially dealing with orientation (nedelec elements, so the edge orientation plays a role). Is there a library implementation (I couldn't find one and functions like interpolat_to_different_mesh() are only for the communication of surface values, not to construct constraints.) I have built an implementation myself but it is an error prone process and I would prefer to use as much of the library code as possible.
Do you have any pointers for me?

I don't think there is anything in the library itself for this case :-( Why do you want to use different triangulations/DoFHandlers for the two parts of your domain? I think that pretty much everything you would need to keep everything in one mesh is already there.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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