
I figured out how to do the interpolation  using 
But I ran into this error shown in the attachment. Two possible reasons:

1. The way I create the two triangulations from the same coarse grid is not 
2. The function, get_finest_common_cells(), does not work for distributed 
triangulations when the two grids are not identical. 

If it is the first case,  any example would be appreciated.
If it is the second case, is there other solution?


On Sunday, January 31, 2021 at 2:35:28 PM UTC-5 Yu Leng wrote:

> Dear all,
> I would like to transfer data between two grids, which originate from the 
> same coarse grid.
> Here are two approaches I can come up with. I would appreciate any of your 
> feedbacks/suggestions.
> 1. Two triangulations and two dofhandlers. I can not get this to work 
> using solution transfer even if I reinitialize the dofhandler with another 
> triangulation.
> 2. One triangulation. Store the refinement/coarsen history and 
> refine/coarsen every time I transfer data. 
> Thanks,
> Yu

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