Thank you, Wolfgang.

Definitely I want to give it a try. Will let you know when I make progress
or encounter difficulties.

Best regards,

Wolfgang Bangerth <> 于2021年2月3日周三 下午1:06写道:

> On 2/2/21 7:57 PM, Ce Qin wrote:
> >
> > My use case can be described as follows
> > 1) Create a triangulation in Python, refine some cells (several times)
> > 2) Serialize the triangulation in to file using Triangulation::save
> > 3) Load the triangulation from file using Triangulation::load
> > 4) Reconstruct a parallel::distributed::Triangulation from the serial
> > Triangulation
> >
> > So my question is how to reconstruct a
> *parallel::distributed::Triangulation*
> > from a *serial* Triangulation (with hanging nodes, n_levels() greater
> than 2)?
> There might not be a function for it right now. But it seems not
> impossible to
> write a function (or, better, incorporate this into the existing
> copy_from()
> function). Want to give this a try?
> I think what would need to happen is that the
> p::d::T::copy_triangulation()
> function extracts the coarse mesh of the given triangulation and calls the
> copy_triangulation() function of the base class with it. It would then
> need to
> recursively walk through the original and the current triangulation and
> refine
> the current one based on whether a cell of the original triangulation was
> refined.
> I suspect that that could be done with 200 lines of code, and you'd end up
> with what you actually needed. I'd be happy to help along if you were
> interested in giving that a try!
> Best
>   W.
> --
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