Thank you for your prompt response.

My use case can be described as follows
1) Create a triangulation in Python, refine some cells (several times)
2) Serialize the triangulation in to file using Triangulation::save
3) Load the triangulation from file using Triangulation::load
4) Reconstruct a parallel::distributed::Triangulation from the serial

So my question is how to reconstruct a
*parallel::distributed::Triangulation* from a *serial* Triangulation (with
hanging nodes, n_levels() greater than 2)?

Best regards,

Daniel Arndt <> 于2021年2月3日周三 上午12:10写道:

> Ce,
> There is also save_refine_flags
> <>
> and load_refine_flags
> <>
> but you need to make sure that smoothing flags are also the same as
> explained here
> <>
> in "History of a Triangulation".
> This is tested, e.g., in tests/mpi/
> Best
> Daniel
> Am Di., 2. Feb. 2021 um 10:59 Uhr schrieb Bruno Turcksin <
>> Ce,
>> If you don't have hanging nodes, you can flatten the triangulation (C++
>> <>,
>> python
>> <>)
>> before saving the triangulation. This will create a new coarse mesh. The
>> other solution is to load the mesh from a vtu file (see here
>> <>).
>> Best,
>> Bruno
>> On Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 9:03:00 AM UTC-5 wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I want to create a p::d::Triangulation from a locally refined
>>> Triangulation which is loaded from a file (for example, we can create a
>>> triangulation using the python interface, refine some cells, then save it
>>> to file). I am aware that we can't use copy_triangulation since the
>>> triangulation being copied must be a *coarse mesh*. Is there a way to
>>> achieve this? Any suggestion will be appreciated.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Ce
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