On 9/22/20 11:09 AM, Paras Kumar wrote:
In order to verify if the "improper" modeling of the curved particle surface due to the reason you explained above, is the cause for this irregularities, we tried with a cubic particle, thereby eliminating the above issue, but still observe irregularities in the stress contour on the particle surface, cf. Figures 3-5 of the attachment.  With this observation, we could probably conclude that improper modeling of the curved geometry is not the only reason for the irregularities.

I know this isn't helpful from the perspective of actually solving your problem, but: Excellent work testing out different hypotheses and validating every step of your work. What you show here is a model of how one builds numerical solutions: If there is something that seems odd, one systematically simplifies the simulation (sphere -> cube), and then cross checks different approaches (tets vs hexes vs uniform discretization) until it's clear what the issue is. I wished every student project were as comprehensively explored! :-)


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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