Hi Doug,

Many thanks for the patch that documents this issue. I hope that the Trilinos 
folk are willing and able to help you (and us) out. If you get any further with 
this problem then please do let us know — especially if there’s something that 
we can do on our side (e.g. if it turns out that threes some missing call to 
free memory, or a required compile-time setting for Sacado that we can check 
for, etc.).


> On 12 Aug 2020, at 05:21, Doug Shi-Dong <doug.shid...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the answer! I am currently using the master branch of Trilinos, to 
> make sure that a newer version did not fix this.
> I had some second-guessing with how I had configured Sacado itself since 
> there seems to be some options that changes how the reverse mode reuses the 
> memory through RAD_REINIT 
> <https://github.com/trilinos/Trilinos/blob/17cdb33f3664f4901ab9d0935af609f516031a86/packages/sacado/src/README_RAD#L228-L247>.
>  However, I've been unable to compile with this flag's options. Hopefully 
> they can shed some light on the issue.
> Sounds good. I'll create a pull-request to update the documentation in  
> https://github.com/dealii/dealii/blob/master/include/deal.II/differentiation/ad/ad_number_types.h#L87
> <https://github.com/dealii/dealii/blob/master/include/deal.II/differentiation/ad/ad_number_types.h#L87>
> and in 
> https://github.com/dealii/dealii/blob/master/doc/doxygen/headers/automatic_and_symbolic_differentiation.h#L303
> <https://github.com/dealii/dealii/blob/master/doc/doxygen/headers/automatic_and_symbolic_differentiation.h#L303>
> referring to the AD number type.
> I've actually implemented sacado_fad_fad first because I understood it 
> theoretically. Turns out, it was a bottleneck in my code, so I need 
> sacado_rad_fad. Might just switch the AD package.
> Thanks again, following-up with a documentation PR 
> https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/10818 
> <https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/10818>
> Doug
> On Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 4:33:37 PM UTC-4 Jean-Paul Pelteret wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> Yes, sadly I have experienced the same but wasn’t able to allot the time to 
> figure out if it was indeed a bug in Sacado (and maybe something that’s 
> already been fixed upstream in a newer version of Trilinos than I was using) 
> or something that we did. I’m really glad that you managed to supply them 
> with a MWE that definitely reproduces the issue, since this disambiguates 
> their code from our drivers. Thank you for that. For your interest, I’ve 
> attached the MWE that I made at the time. I can only suppose that back then I 
> wasn’t confident that I’d recreated the conditions for the leak, because the 
> valgrind logs that I still have didn’t report and memory as being “definitely 
> lost”. I guess the trick would have been to have stuck all of this in a loop, 
> which I clearly didn’t think to do :-/
> Since you’ve confirmed that you’ve experienced the same, I think that it 
> would be worthwhile to add a note to this effect in our documentation. If 
> you'd like to do so yourself, then free to make a suggestion where you think 
> it would be appropriate to be. My first inclination would have been where the 
> enumerated type sacado_rad_fad is documented, i.e.
> https://github.com/dealii/dealii/blob/master/include/deal.II/differentiation/ad/ad_number_types.h#L87
> <https://github.com/dealii/dealii/blob/master/include/deal.II/differentiation/ad/ad_number_types.h#L87>
> but of course that’s completely up for discussion. Either way, I think that 
> this should be documented because this issue may persist for some time, and 
> it would be good to have a warning in place until we know which version of 
> Trilinos has a fix in place. Perhaps we should also add a link there to your 
> issue on their GitHub page so that the reader can easily find where to check 
> the status of the issue?
> I hope that you’ve spotted the sacado_fad_fad alternative that should work 
> without issue. In many cases I would expect it to be less performant than the 
> (buggy) Rad-Fad implementation but they both still have, at the very least, 
> some use in debugging or prototyping.
> Best,
> Jean-Paul
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