Hi Doug,

Yes, sadly I have experienced the same but wasn’t able to allot the time to figure out if it was indeed a bug in Sacado (and maybe something that’s already been fixed upstream in a newer version of Trilinos than I was using) or something that we did. I’m really glad that you managed to supply them with a MWE that definitely reproduces the issue, since this disambiguates their code from our drivers. Thank you for that. For your interest, I’ve attached the MWE that I made at the time. I can only suppose that back then I wasn’t confident that I’d recreated the conditions for the leak, because the valgrind logs that I still have didn’t report and memory as being “definitely lost”. I guess the trick would have been to have stuck all of this in a loop, which I clearly didn’t think to do :-/

Since you’ve confirmed that you’ve experienced the same, I think that it would be worthwhile to add a note to this effect in our documentation. If you'd like to do so yourself, then free to make a suggestion where you think it would be appropriate to be. My first inclination would have been where the enumerated type sacado_rad_fad is documented, i.e.
but of course that’s completely up for discussion. Either way, I think that this should be documented because this issue may persist for some time, and it would be good to have a warning in place until we know which version of Trilinos has a fix in place. Perhaps we should also add a link there to your issue on their GitHub page so that the reader can easily find where to check the status of the issue?

I hope that you’ve spotted the sacado_fad_fad alternative that should work without issue. In many cases I would expect it to be less performant than the (buggy) Rad-Fad implementation but they both still have, at the very least, some use in debugging or prototyping.


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Attachment: sacado_rad_fad_memleak.cc
Description: Binary data

On 10 Aug 2020, at 20:22, Doug Shi-Dong <doug.shid...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello everyone,

I found that Sacado's nested reverse and forward mode AD leads to a memory leak when use multiple times. I have opened an issue on their end:
and the steps to reproduce are pretty simple.

However, I've found that the community here is pretty good at responding. I was wondering if anyone here has previously encountered/fixed this. I know that J-P Perlteret's code-gallery example Quasi_static_Finite_strain_Compressible_Elasticity with this AD type turned on by using
does lead to a memory leak.

Basically, for every cell's computation, a little bit of memory leaks, which quickly blows up for large problems. 

Please let me know what you think. It's likely completely in the hand of the Sacado group unless I start digging in their code. However, if it is something that will likely not get fixed, we might want to put a warning on the "Supported automatic differentiation libraries" page.

Best regards,


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