On 1/30/20 1:39 PM, Andrew Davis wrote:
> Fair point. I reinstalled in Debug mode and now I'm failing at that Assert.  

So learning opportunity: You could have saved yourself a lot of searching of 
where the problem actually is by always first running your program in debug 
mode :-)

> Here is the error message (using the same code I attached previously):
> An error occurred in line <2891> of file <dealii/source/fe/fe_values.cc> in 
> function
>      dealii::types::global_dof_index dealii::FEValuesBase<dim, 
> spacedim>::TriaCellIterator::n_dofs_for_dof_handler() const [with int dim = 
> 2; 
> int spacedim = 2; dealii::types::global_dof_index = unsigned int]
> The violated condition was:
>      false
> Additional information:
>      You have previously called the FEValues::reinit function with a
> cell iterator of type Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator. However,
> when you do this, you cannot call some functions in the FEValues
> class, such as the get_function_values/gradients/hessians/third_derivatives
> functions. If you need these functions, then you need to call
> FEValues::reinit with an iterator type that allows to extract
> degrees of freedom, such as DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator.
> I'm going to dig into this further but does anyone know if this is a bug or 
> user error? If it is user error does anyone know how to fix this?

Well, at least it explains what the issue is: You can't evaluate a finite 
element field if you don't have a DoFHandler. The question is why the 
FEValues::reinit() function was called with only a 
Triangulation::active_cell_iterator and not a 
DoFHandler::active_cell_iterator. I have to admit that, as with so many things 
that relate to MeshWorker, I don't know and nobody might actually know. The 
place you should find by going up the call stack in a debugger is where 
FEValues::reinit() is called, and what the iterator object there is.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                            www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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