I found a fix for this by editing the deal.ii source code. I am very new to 
deal.ii so it is extremely likely that there is a way to accomplish what I 
want without touching the deal.ii source or there might be a better way of 
editing the source. So, here is the fix that worked for me. Let me know if 
there is a better solution.

I first implemented a new reinit function for IntegrationInfo:

     * Reinitialize internal data structures for use on a cell.
    template <typename number, class ITERATOR>
    reinit(ITERATOR cell, const DoFInfo<dim, spacedim, number> &info);

  template <int dim, int spacedim>
  template <typename number, class ITERATOR>
  inline void
  IntegrationInfo<dim, spacedim>::reinit(ITERATOR cell,
    const DoFInfo<dim, spacedim, number> &info)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fevalv.size(); ++i)
        FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim> &febase = *fevalv[i];
        if (info.sub_number != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
            // This is a subface
            FESubfaceValues<dim, spacedim> &fe =
              dynamic_cast<FESubfaceValues<dim, spacedim> &>(febase);
            fe.reinit(cell, info.face_number, info.sub_number);
        else if (info.face_number != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
            // This is a face
            FEFaceValues<dim, spacedim> &fe =
              dynamic_cast<FEFaceValues<dim, spacedim> &>(febase);
            fe.reinit(cell, info.face_number);
            // This is a cell
            FEValues<dim, spacedim> &fe =
              dynamic_cast<FEValues<dim, spacedim> &>(febase);

    const bool split_fevalues = info.block_info != nullptr;
    if (!global_data->empty())
      fill_local_data(info, split_fevalues);

And then I changed the MeshWorker::loop function on lines 231-232 of 
deal.ii/meshworker/loop.h to 

if (integrate_cell)
      info.cell.reinit(cell, dof_info.cell);


On Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 3:39:28 PM UTC-5, Andrew Davis wrote:
> Fair point. I reinstalled in Debug mode and now I'm failing at that 
> Assert.  Here is the error message (using the same code I attached 
> previously):
> An error occurred in line <2891> of file <dealii/source/fe/fe_values.cc> 
> in function
>     dealii::types::global_dof_index dealii::FEValuesBase<dim, 
> spacedim>::TriaCellIterator::n_dofs_for_dof_handler() const [with int dim = 
> 2; int spacedim = 2; dealii::types::global_dof_index = unsigned int]
> The violated condition was: 
>     false
> Additional information: 
>     You have previously called the FEValues::reinit function with a
> cell iterator of type Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator. However,
> when you do this, you cannot call some functions in the FEValues
> class, such as the get_function_values/gradients/hessians/third_derivatives
> functions. If you need these functions, then you need to call
> FEValues::reinit with an iterator type that allows to extract
> degrees of freedom, such as DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator.
> I'm going to dig into this further but does anyone know if this is a bug 
> or user error? If it is user error does anyone know how to fix this?
> Cheers,
> Andy
> On Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 2:38:00 PM UTC-5, Bruno Turcksin wrote:
>> On Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 2:28:55 PM UTC-5, Andrew Davis wrote:
>>> from the file fe_values.impl.2.inst.in. The Assert(false) seems strange 
>>> to me---why doesn't it crash? (I'm in Release mode so that could answer 
>>> that). However, should it be calling a different function?
>>> You should always debug your code in Debug mode. It's very possible that 
>> there is an assert that will catch a problem earlier in the code and so the 
>> code after that assert makes no sense because you are not supposed to get 
>> there.
>> Best,
>> Bruno

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