With the highest deference to the amazing quality of software development 
that deal.ii  developers follow, I wish to ask a question about the 
particular development paradigm chosen (with no disrespect to any of the 
developers intended). This question is just out of personal curiosity.

deal.ii makes heavy use of templates for spatial-dimension independent 
programming.  However, as already acknowledged in the FAQ, compiling 
template-heavy code takes a long time.

Since the number cases are only 3 (possible spatial dimensions), it strikes 
me that the variadic arguments feature (facilitated by the cstdarg.h header 
file) might be a slightly bit more natural choice for this use case? 
Apologies if I am wrong about this, since I am a novice C++ user.
Can the developers/users of deal.ii provide an objective reasoning of why 
they went the template-route instead of variadic arguments?


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