I am using the master version from 2 days ago. Commit c4c4e5209a. Actually, 
it also fails for the 2D, but in a different scenario. I run this for 
mpirun=1 and mpirun=4. 

It fails in 2D for mpirun=1.debug, with the same error. It fails for 3D for 
mpirun=4.debug, mpirun=1.release. And fully succeeds for mpirun=4.release...

I have attached the output from ctest.

On Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at 5:39:11 AM UTC-4, Marc Fehling wrote:
> Hi Doug!
> On Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at 4:00:49 AM UTC+2, Doug wrote:
>> 8134:     void dealii::parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer<dim, 
>> VectorType, DoFHandlerType>::unpack_callback(const typename 
>> dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, DoFHandlerType:: 
>> space_dimension>::cell_iterator&, typename 
>> dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, DoFHandlerType:: 
>> space_dimension>::CellStatus, const 
>> boost::iterator_range<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const char*, 
>> std::vector<char, std::allocator<char> > > >&, std::vector<VectorType*>&) 
>> [with int dim = 3; VectorType = 
>> dealii::LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>; DoFHandlerType = 
>> dealii::hp::DoFHandler<3, 3>; typename 
>> dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, DoFHandlerType:: 
>> space_dimension>::cell_iterator = 
>> dealii::TriaIterator<dealii::CellAccessor<3, 3> >; typename 
>> dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, DoFHandlerType:: 
>> space_dimension>::CellStatus = dealii::Triangulation<3, 3>::CellStatus]
> It seems that the assertion fails only in the 3D case, which is quite 
> interesting. Are you using the deal.II-9.1 release version, or do you work 
> with the current master branch? I'll try to reproduce the error once I'm at 
> my desk.
> It looks like either p::d::SolutionTransfer picks the wrong finite element 
> while packing the solution on cells to be coarsened, or hp::DoFHandler 
> chooses the wrong finite element for the parent cell in case of coarsening. 
> I'll investigate.
> Marc

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UpdateCTestConfiguration  from 
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from 
Test project /home/ddong/Libraries/dealii/build
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Updating test list for fixtures
Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements
Checking test dependency graph...
Checking test dependency graph end
test 8132
    Start 8132: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.debug

8132: Test command: /usr/bin/cmake 
"-DTEST=mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.debug" "-DEXPECT=PASSED" 
 "-P" "/home/ddong/Libraries/dealii/build/share/deal.II/scripts/run_test.cmake"
8132: Test timeout computed to be: 600
8132: make[3]: *** [solution_transfer_05.debug/mpirun=1/output] Error 1
8132: make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/solution_transfer_05.mpirun1.debug.diff.dir/all] 
Error 2
8132: make[1]: *** 
[CMakeFiles/solution_transfer_05.mpirun1.debug.diff.dir/rule] Error 2
8132: make: *** [solution_transfer_05.mpirun1.debug.diff] Error 2
8132: Test mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.debug: RUN
8132: ===============================   OUTPUT BEGIN  
8132: Scanning dependencies of target solution_transfer_05.debug
8132: Building CXX object 
8132: Linking CXX executable 
8132: Built target solution_transfer_05.debug
8132: Generating solution_transfer_05.debug/mpirun=1/output
8132: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.debug: BUILD successful.
8132: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.debug: RUN failed. ------ Return code 
8132: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.debug: RUN failed. ------ Result: 
8132: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.debug: RUN failed. ------ Partial 
8132: JobId ddong-XPS-13-9360 Tue Aug 20 21:50:34 2019
8132: DEAL::   2D solution transfer
8132: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.debug: RUN failed. ------ Additional 
output on stdout/stderr:
8132:  written to before.eps
8132:  written to after.eps
8132: --------------------------------------------------------
8132: An error occurred in line <405> of file 
</home/ddong/Libraries/dealii/source/distributed/solution_transfer.cc> in 
8132:     void dealii::parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer<dim, VectorType, 
DoFHandlerType>::unpack_callback(const typename 
dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, DoFHandlerType:: 
space_dimension>::cell_iterator&, typename 
dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, DoFHandlerType:: 
space_dimension>::CellStatus, const 
boost::iterator_range<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const char*, 
std::vector<char, std::allocator<char> > > >&, std::vector<VectorType*>&) [with 
int dim = 2; VectorType = dealii::LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>; 
DoFHandlerType = dealii::hp::DoFHandler<2, 2>; typename 
dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, DoFHandlerType:: 
space_dimension>::cell_iterator = dealii::TriaIterator<dealii::CellAccessor<2, 
2> >; typename dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, 
DoFHandlerType:: space_dimension>::CellStatus = dealii::Triangulation<2, 
8132: The violated condition was: 
8132:     dof_handler->get_fe(fe_index).dofs_per_cell == it_dofvalues->size()
8132: Additional information: 
8132:     The transferred data was packed with a different number of dofs than 
the currently registered FE object assigned to the DoFHandler has.
8132: --------------------------------------------------------
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] *** Process received signal ***
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] Signal: Aborted (6)
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] Signal code:  (-6)
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [ 0] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [ 1] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [ 2] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [ 3] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [ 4] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [ 5] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [ 6] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [ 7] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [ 8] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [ 9] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [10] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [11] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [12] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [13] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [14] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [15] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [16] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [17] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [18] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [19] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [20] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] [21] 
8132: [ddong-XPS-13-9360:16518] *** End of error message ***
8132: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
8132: mpiexec noticed that process rank 0 with PID 0 on node ddong-XPS-13-9360 
exited on signal 6 (Aborted).
8132: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
8132: CMakeFiles/solution_transfer_05.mpirun1.debug.diff.dir/build.make:69: 
recipe for target 'solution_transfer_05.debug/mpirun=1/output' failed
8132: CMakeFiles/Makefile2:13795: recipe for target 
'CMakeFiles/solution_transfer_05.mpirun1.debug.diff.dir/all' failed
8132: CMakeFiles/Makefile2:13802: recipe for target 
'CMakeFiles/solution_transfer_05.mpirun1.debug.diff.dir/rule' failed
8132: Makefile:5706: recipe for target 
'solution_transfer_05.mpirun1.debug.diff' failed
8132: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.debug: ******    RUN failed    *******
8132: ===============================    OUTPUT END   
8132: Expected stage PASSED - aborting
8132: CMake Error at 
8132:   *** abort
1/4 Test #8132: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.debug .....***Failed   59.73 
test 8133
    Start 8133: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.release

8133: Test command: /usr/bin/cmake 
"-DTEST=mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.release" "-DEXPECT=PASSED" 
 "-P" "/home/ddong/Libraries/dealii/build/share/deal.II/scripts/run_test.cmake"
8133: Test timeout computed to be: 600
8133: make[3]: *** [solution_transfer_05.release/mpirun=1/diff] Error 1
8133: make[2]: *** 
[CMakeFiles/solution_transfer_05.mpirun1.release.diff.dir/all] Error 2
8133: make[1]: *** 
[CMakeFiles/solution_transfer_05.mpirun1.release.diff.dir/rule] Error 2
8133: make: *** [solution_transfer_05.mpirun1.release.diff] Error 2
8133: Test mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.release: DIFF
8133: ===============================   OUTPUT BEGIN  
8133: Scanning dependencies of target solution_transfer_05.release
8133: [  0%] Building CXX object 
8133: [  0%] Linking CXX executable 
8133: [  0%] Built target solution_transfer_05.release
8133: [100%] Generating solution_transfer_05.release/mpirun=1/output
8133: [100%] Generating solution_transfer_05.release/mpirun=1/diff
8133: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.release: BUILD successful.
8133: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.release: RUN successful.
8133: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.release: DIFF failed. ------ Source: 
8133: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.release: DIFF failed. ------ Result: 
8133: Check 
8133: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.release: DIFF failed. ------ Diff:   
8133: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.release: DIFF failed. ------ First 8 
lines of numdiff/diff output:
8133: ----------------
8133: ##3       #:7   <== 0
8133: ##3       #:7   ==> 12.9597
8133: @ Absolute error = 1.2959700000e+1, Relative error = Inf
8133: ----------------
8133: ##5       #:7   <== 0
8133: ##5       #:7   ==> nan
8133: @                                                     @@
8133: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.release: DIFF failed. ------ First 50 
lines diff output:
8133: *** 
Tue Aug 20 01:15:33 2019
8133: --- output        Tue Aug 20 21:51:04 2019
8133: ***************
8133: *** 1,5 ****
8133:   DEAL::   2D solution transfer
8133: ! DEAL::Error in interpolating hp FE_DGQ: 0
8133:   DEAL::   3D solution transfer
8133: ! DEAL::Error in interpolating hp FE_DGQ: 0
8133: --- 1,5 ----
8133:   DEAL::   2D solution transfer
8133: ! DEAL::Error in interpolating hp FE_DGQ: 12.9597
8133:   DEAL::   3D solution transfer
8133: ! DEAL::Error in interpolating hp FE_DGQ: nan
8133: CMakeFiles/solution_transfer_05.mpirun1.release.diff.dir/build.make:64: 
recipe for target 'solution_transfer_05.release/mpirun=1/diff' failed
8133: CMakeFiles/Makefile2:5091: recipe for target 
'CMakeFiles/solution_transfer_05.mpirun1.release.diff.dir/all' failed
8133: CMakeFiles/Makefile2:5098: recipe for target 
'CMakeFiles/solution_transfer_05.mpirun1.release.diff.dir/rule' failed
8133: Makefile:2170: recipe for target 
'solution_transfer_05.mpirun1.release.diff' failed
8133: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.release: ******    DIFF failed    
8133: ===============================    OUTPUT END   
8133: Expected stage PASSED - aborting
8133: CMake Error at 
8133:   *** abort
2/4 Test #8133: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.release ...***Failed   26.96 
test 8134
    Start 8134: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.debug

8134: Test command: /usr/bin/cmake 
"-DTEST=mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.debug" "-DEXPECT=PASSED" 
 "-P" "/home/ddong/Libraries/dealii/build/share/deal.II/scripts/run_test.cmake"
8134: Test timeout computed to be: 600
8134: make[3]: *** [solution_transfer_05.debug/mpirun=4/output] Error 1
8134: make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/solution_transfer_05.mpirun4.debug.diff.dir/all] 
Error 2
8134: make[1]: *** 
[CMakeFiles/solution_transfer_05.mpirun4.debug.diff.dir/rule] Error 2
8134: make: *** [solution_transfer_05.mpirun4.debug.diff] Error 2
8134: Test mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.debug: RUN
8134: ===============================   OUTPUT BEGIN  
8134: Built target solution_transfer_05.debug
8134: Generating solution_transfer_05.debug/mpirun=4/output
8134: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.debug: BUILD successful.
8134: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.debug: RUN failed. ------ Return code 
8134: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.debug: RUN failed. ------ Result: 
8134: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.debug: RUN failed. ------ Partial 
8134: JobId ddong-XPS-13-9360 Tue Aug 20 21:51:06 2019
8134: DEAL::   2D solution transfer
8134: DEAL::Error in interpolating hp FE_DGQ: 2.40807e-13
8134: DEAL::   3D solution transfer
8134: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.debug: RUN failed. ------ Additional 
output on stdout/stderr:
8134:  written to before.eps
8134:  written to before.eps
8134:  written to before.eps
8134:  written to before.eps
8134:  written to after.eps
8134:  written to after.eps
8134:  written to after.eps
8134:  written to after.eps
8134: --------------------------------------------------------
8134: An error occurred in line <405> of file 
</home/ddong/Libraries/dealii/source/distributed/solution_transfer.cc> in 
8134:     void dealii::parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer<dim, VectorType, 
DoFHandlerType>::unpack_callback(const typename 
dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, DoFHandlerType:: 
space_dimension>::cell_iterator&, typename 
dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, DoFHandlerType:: 
space_dimension>::CellStatus, const 
boost::iterator_range<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const char*, 
std::vector<char, std::allocator<char> > > >&, std::vector<VectorType*>&) [with 
int dim = 3; VectorType = dealii::LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double>; 
DoFHandlerType = dealii::hp::DoFHandler<3, 3>; typename 
dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, DoFHandlerType:: 
space_dimension>::cell_iterator = dealii::TriaIterator<dealii::CellAccessor<3, 
3> >; typename dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, 
DoFHandlerType:: space_dimension>::CellStatus = dealii::Triangulation<3, 
8134: The violated condition was: 
8134:     dof_handler->get_fe(fe_index).dofs_per_cell == it_dofvalues->size()
8134: Additional information: 
8134:     The transferred data was packed with a different number of dofs than 
the currently registered FE object assigned to the DoFHandler has.
8134: --------------------------------------------------------
8134: Calling MPI_Abort now.
8134: To break execution in a GDB session, execute 'break MPI_Abort' before 
running. You can also put the following into your ~/.gdbinit:
8134:   set breakpoint pending on
8134:   break MPI_Abort
8134:   set breakpoint pending auto
8134: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
8134: MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 3 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
8134: with errorcode 255.
8134: NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
8134: You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
8134: exactly when Open MPI kills them.
8134: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
8134: CMakeFiles/solution_transfer_05.mpirun4.debug.diff.dir/build.make:69: 
recipe for target 'solution_transfer_05.debug/mpirun=4/output' failed
8134: CMakeFiles/Makefile2:5059: recipe for target 
'CMakeFiles/solution_transfer_05.mpirun4.debug.diff.dir/all' failed
8134: CMakeFiles/Makefile2:5066: recipe for target 
'CMakeFiles/solution_transfer_05.mpirun4.debug.diff.dir/rule' failed
8134: Makefile:2157: recipe for target 
'solution_transfer_05.mpirun4.debug.diff' failed
8134: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.debug: ******    RUN failed    *******
8134: ===============================    OUTPUT END   
8134: Expected stage PASSED - aborting
8134: CMake Error at 
8134:   *** abort
3/4 Test #8134: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.debug .....***Failed    3.60 
test 8135
    Start 8135: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.release

8135: Test command: /usr/bin/cmake 
"-DTEST=mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.release" "-DEXPECT=PASSED" 
 "-P" "/home/ddong/Libraries/dealii/build/share/deal.II/scripts/run_test.cmake"
8135: Test timeout computed to be: 600
8135: Test mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.release: PASSED
8135: ===============================   OUTPUT BEGIN  
8135: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.release: PASSED.
8135: ===============================    OUTPUT END   
4/4 Test #8135: mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.release ...   Passed    2.77 

The following tests passed:

25% tests passed, 3 tests failed out of 4

Total Test time (real) =  93.76 sec

The following tests FAILED:
        8132 - mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.debug (Failed)
        8133 - mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=1.release (Failed)
        8134 - mpi/solution_transfer_05.mpirun=4.debug (Failed)
Errors while running CTest

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