No login node is intel-broadwell and compute node is intel-skylake. Problem
is that the supercomputer I am compiling on has no way to access compute
node (interactive job) directly for compiling. I am not sure if dealii
allows for cross compilation.

On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 1:44 PM Bruno Turcksin <>

> Phani,
> Can you try the same configuration with master? Until recently there was
> no way to disable the simd pragma (you could only disable the intrinsics).
> Do the login and the compute node have the same architecture?
> Best,
> Bruno
> On Friday, April 5, 2019 at 1:21:45 PM UTC-4, Phani Motamarri wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> Many thanks for the reply. As you suggested, I tried a minimal
>> configuration just using
>> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/dealii/intel18_double_dealii9.0.1  ../dealii-9.0.1*
>> I still get the same error. I am attaching the detailed.log and make
>> output by doing make VERBOSE=1.
>> I am wondering if I am missing anything.
>> Thanks and Regards
>> Phani
>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 8:24 AM Daniel Arndt <
>>> wrote:
>>> Phani,
>>> *[...]*
>>>> *Please verify that both the operating system and the processor support
>>>> Intel(R) AVX512DQ, AVX512F, AVX512CD, AVX512BW and AVX512VL instructions.*
>>>> *source/numerics/CMakeFiles/obj_numerics_inst.dir/build.make:91: recipe
>>>> for target 'source/numerics/data_out_dof_data.inst' failed*
>>>> *[...]*
>>> Can you attach your detailed.log? How does the failing compiler call
>>> look like (make VERBOSE=1)?
>>>> The compile line script which I am using to install dealii is as
>>>> follows:
>>>> -DP4EST_DIR="/p4est/intel18.0_p4est_2.0" -DDEAL_II_WITH_PETSC=ON
>>>> -DPETSC_DIR=/petsc/intel_petsc3.9.4_double_64bit -DPETSC_ARCH=
>>>> -DDEAL_II_WITH_SLEPC=ON -DSLEPC_DIR=/slepc/intel_slepc3.9.2_double_64bit
>>>> -DLAPACK_FOUND=true -DLAPACK_DIR="${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64"
>>>> -DLAPACK_LIBRARIES="${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/;${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/;${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/"
>>>> -DLAPACK_LINKER_FLAGS="-liomp5 -lpthread -lm -ldl"
>>>> -DSCALAPACK_DIR="${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64"
>>>> -DSCALAPACK_LIBRARIES="${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/;${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64/"
>>>> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/dealii/intel18_double_dealii9.0.1  ../dealii-9.0.1*
>>>> I am wondering what am I missing during my installation process on this
>>>> Cray machine. As you can see from above I do not give any AVX flags as
>>>> compilation flags. I only use -O3 flag.  I am using login nodes for
>>>> compiling on a Cray supercomputer.
>>> If I were you, I would try a minimal configuration first, something like
>>> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/dealii/intel18_double_dealii9.0.1  ../dealii-9.0.1*
>>> It might also a good idea to see if you get the same error using the
>>> master branch.
>>> Best,
>>> Daniel
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