On 1/30/19 11:04 AM, Ester Comellas wrote:
> I switched to the deal.ii code version you mention (#7520) and, indeed, 
> it compiles and I'm able to run steps 1 to 3 (haven't tried beyond 
> that). However, I'm having trouble building my program in Visual Studio. 
> It seems that it cannot find the right libraries because I get a whole 
> bunch of errors related to TrilinosWrappers.
> Also, I thought you might want to know that before using version #7520 I 
> tried the latest one at the time (#7652) and I got tons of C2131 
> (expression did not evaluate to a constant) and C2975 (invalid template 
> argument for..) errors when trying to compile deal.ii.
> In the end, I've given up on MVSC and I installed the Windows Subsystem 
> for Linux. This is a great feature, thanks for your advice!  My code is 
> running smoothly now.

Ester -- yes, not surprising. MS Visual Studio is, as far as compilers 
go, a pretty crappy one and we've often found that if we don't regularly 
test with it, all sorts of code that works just fine across all other 
compilers is just broken on Visual Studio. You'll likely save yourself 
some pain by going with the Linux subsystem.

That said, if you happened to still have your VS around, would you mind 
opening a github issue and copy-paste the error messages you get into 
it? It might still be useful to see if they are easy to fix...


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                            www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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