
I switched to the deal.ii code version you mention (#7520) and, indeed, it 
compiles and I'm able to run steps 1 to 3 (haven't tried beyond that). 
However, I'm having trouble building my program in Visual Studio. It seems 
that it cannot find the right libraries because I get a whole bunch of 
errors related to TrilinosWrappers.

Also, I thought you might want to know that before using version #7520 I 
tried the latest one at the time (#7652) and I got tons of C2131 
(expression did not evaluate to a constant) and C2975 (invalid template 
argument for..) errors when trying to compile deal.ii. 

In the end, I've given up on MVSC and I installed the Windows Subsystem for 
Linux. This is a great feature, thanks for your advice!  My code is running 
smoothly now.


El dimarts, 29 gener de 2019 17:21:20 UTC-5, Daniel Arndt va escriure:
> Ester,
> we likely fixed this problem in https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/7520. 
> Let us know if applying these changes also helps in your case.
> In our experience, MSVC is a quite buggy and sensitive compiler and weonly 
> test once in a while that we at least can compile with it.
> There is no guarantee that everything works correctly. Hence, we generally 
> advise people to use the "Windows Subsystem for Linux"(also explained 
> inhttps://github.com/dealii/dealii/wiki/Windows) when running on Windows 
> and avoid the MSVC compiler.
> Best,
> Daniel

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