> $ make -j2
> and it shows:
> In file included from 
> /vol7/home/zhaoyucan1016/reinstall2-dealii-9.0.1/src/source/base/flow_function.cc:18:0:
> /vol7/home/zhaoyucan1016/reinstall2-dealii-9.0.1/src/include/deal.II/base/flow_function.h:59:13:
> internal compiler error: in use_thunk, at cp/method.c:338
>       virtual ~FlowFunction() = default;
>               ^
I bet you are running out of memory at this point and that this is the 
cause of the internal compiler error. Try again with 'make -j1'.

> and  I download a new dealii-9.0.1.tar.gz and build a new file 
> folder: /vol7/home/zhaoyucan1016/reinstall-dealii-9.0.1
> source directory:/vol7/home/zhaoyucan1016/reinstall-dealii-9.0.1/src
> and the command line :(in the directory: 
> /vol7/home/zhaoyucan1016/reinstall-dealii-9.0.1/src/build)
> $ cmake /vol7/home/zhaoyucan1016/reinstall-dealii-9.0.1/src 
> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/vol7/home/zhaoyucan1016/reinstall-dealii-9.0.1/deal.II
> -DDEAL_II_WITH_MPI=ON -DMPI_DIR=/usr/local/mpi3 
> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/local/mpi3/bin/mpicxx 
> -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=/usr/local/mpi3/bin/mpifort 
> $make -j2 deal_II
> $make install
> and it shows:
> [ 81%] Built target obj_multigrid_release
> [ 82%] Built target obj_distributed_release
> [ 82%] Built target obj_algorithms_release
> [ 82%] Built target obj_matrix_free_release
> [ 83%] Built target obj_meshworker_release
> [ 84%] Built target obj_opencascade_release
> [ 84%] Built target obj_differentiation_ad_release
> [ 84%] Built target obj_particle_release
> [ 84%] Built target obj_physics_release
> [ 84%] Built target obj_physics_elasticity_release
> [ 84%] Built target deal_II.g
> [ 85%] Built target obj_non_matching_release
> [ 85%] Built target obj_rol_release
> [ 85%] Built target obj_rol_debug
> Scanning dependencies of target step-7.debug
> Scanning dependencies of target step-6.debug
> [ 85%] Building CXX object 
> examples/CMakeFiles/step-7.debug.dir/step-7/step-7.cc.o
> [ 85%] Building CXX object 
> examples/CMakeFiles/step-6.debug.dir/step-6/step-6.cc.o
> [ 85%] Linking CXX executable ../bin/step-7.debug
> [ 85%] Linking CXX executable ../bin/step-6.debug
> ../lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.0.1: undefined reference to 
> `dealii::StraightBoundary<3, 3>::StraightBoundary()'

Hm, good question. What happens if you say
   /usr/local/mpi3/bin/mpicxx -v
   gcc -v
? Are they the same compiler version?

> And I don't know why this happens. I use dealii-8.5.1 before, and I 
> finished my test code using block sparse matrix and block vector like 
> step-20 with fewer dofs. Now I need to try these codes with larger dofs 
> more than 200K dofs in each loop, and the time steps are more than 
> 50000. So I want to rewrite the codes and use method for parallel like 
> step-40, step-55, step-32. So I need to reinstall my dealii. And I start 
> again. But it seems not so easy.

My best guess is that there is a disconnect between two compilers 
installed on your system.

An alternative would be for you to use the current development version 
(which is actually quite stable). If you want to try that out, just 
clone the github repository onto your hard drive and go through the same 
configuration steps you do above.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                            www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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