On Wed, Oct 24, 2018, at 18:18 CDT, Wolfgang Bangerth <bange...@colostate.edu> 
> Chucui,
>> My command lines are
>> $cmake /vol7/home/zhaoyucan1016/dealii-9.0.1/dealii-9.0.1  
>> [...]
>> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/vol7/home/zhaoyucan1016/dealii-9.0.1/build 

This looks odd. You are configuring in-source and installing into the
build directory.

Would you mind to (in addition to Wolfgang's suggestions)

 * download dealii-9.0.1.tar.gz again (verify that the archive is
   complete and not corrupted).

 * unpack the sources to a *new* source directory, say

 * delete the build directory and simply configure with

   $ mkdir -p /vol7/home/zhaoyucan1016/dealii-9.0.1/build
   $ cd /vol7/home/zhaoyucan1016/dealii-9.0.1/build
   $ cmake ../sources
   $ make ...
   $ make test

 * if above step succeeds, reconfigure by enabling all external packages
   you want.


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