On Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 11:50:57 AM UTC+2, Jean-Paul Pelteret 
> Hi Konrad,
> Do you think it would be possible to (ab)use the multigrid classes for 
> that? As far as I understand there are dofhandlers on each level of the 
> mesh. Can I get dofhandlers for all active subcells of say coarse cell 
> number n in level 5?
> The DoFHandler::begin_active() 
> <https://www.dealii.org/9.0.0/doxygen/deal.II/classDoFHandler.html#ad2df51a32781906218910731e063ac62>
>  takes 
> the level as an input parameter. Otherwise there’s also 
> DoFHandler::active_cell_iterators_on_level() 
> <https://www.dealii.org/9.0.0/doxygen/deal.II/group__CPP11.html#ga70516289adbc1cb8936625555779339c>
>  for 
> range based loops. Is this perhaps what you were looking for?

Thank you, Jean-Paul, for the hint. Unfortunately this is not really what I 
am looking for. I found a solution (that I don't like) by iterating through 
two meshes on different levels simultaneously. Once I find a good solution 
I will post it here and link to the code.

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