
> >What does the literature suggest how to handle this situation? 
>  The literature says, I cite: "The nodes that lie inside the void and whose 
> nodal support is
>  not intersected by the void are removed from the calculations. This is 
> performed usually by removing
>  the DOFs associated with those nodes from the system of equations and 
> solving the system
>  only for the remaining DOFs."  The question is how to realise it with dealii 
> tools by constrainment of
> zero degrees of freedom?

Well, I guess you could search for all support points of enriched DoFs that lie 
outside of your domain of interest and add a homogeneous constraint for them to 
the AffineConstraints object. The DoFTools::map_dofs_to_support_points 
 and DoFTools::map_support_points_to_dofs 
 functions may be of some use.

By the way, have you looked at the FE_Enriched 
<https://www.dealii.org/9.0.0/doxygen/deal.II/classFE__Enriched.html> class? It 
seems to me like its built for applications similar to this one.


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