On 11/30/2017 03:05 PM, Juan Carlos Araujo Cabarcas wrote:
When using the PETSc wrappers as in step-36 (installed with PetscScalar =
complex<double>) and using MappingCollection as discussed before. I now try:
//static std::map<types::global_dof_index, double> bval;
This is unrelated to the error, but why do you make this variable `static`?
ZeroFunction<dim> homogeneous_dirichlet_bc;
consttypenameFunctionMap<dim>::type dirichlet_boundary_functions
={{types::boundary_id(0),&homogeneous_dirichlet_bc }};
If you use a map for `bval` that has complex-valued keys, then you also need
to use a FunctionMap<dim,PetscScalar>::type object here so that the boundary
functions are complex-valued as well.
In other words, the scalar type of the function object and of the boundary
values must match.
Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostate.edu
www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/
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