Dear all,

I would like to reproduce step-27 for a curved domain instead of the given 
For this, I would like to make use of a MappingCollection. 

I am having problems using interpolate_boundary_values, suggested in:

Basically I use the following:

    hp::DoFHandler<dim>              dof_handler;
    hp::FECollection<dim>            fe_collection;
    hp::MappingCollection<dim>    mapping_collection;
    hp::QCollection<dim>             quadrature_collection;
    hp::QCollection<dim-1>           face_quadrature_collection;

and initialize them as step-27. Then I try:

   static std::map<types::global_dof_index, double> bval;
    VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values (mapping_collection, 
dof_handler, ZeroFunction<dim>(), bval);

and I get the following error:

[100%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/pFEM.dir/
/home/ju4nk4/jc/codes/adaptivity/disk_pFEM/ In instantiation of 
‘void Adaptive::LaplaceProblem<dim>::setup_system() [with int dim = 2]’:
/home/ju4nk4/jc/codes/adaptivity/disk_pFEM/   required from 
‘void Adaptive::LaplaceProblem<dim>::run() [with int dim = 2]’
/home/ju4nk4/jc/codes/adaptivity/disk_pFEM/   required from 
/home/ju4nk4/jc/codes/adaptivity/disk_pFEM/ error: no 
matching function for call to 
‘interpolate_boundary_values(dealii::hp::MappingCollection<2, 2>&, 
dealii::hp::DoFHandler<2, 2>&, dealii::ZeroFunction<2, double>, 
std::map<unsigned int, double>&)’
/home/ju4nk4/jc/codes/adaptivity/disk_pFEM/ note: candidates 
are: ...

I digged into the documentation for a while before emailing, but found that 
MappingCollection is not really discussed much, and the documentation for 
the call VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values for MappingCollection 
just says:

    "Like the previous function, but take a mapping collection to go with 
the hp::DoFHandler object." ...

So, there is no special comments there either.

Any guidance would be very much appreciated!

Juan Carlos Araújo,
Umeå Universitet

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