
Yeah, this makes sense. Numerically that's what I observe too, some 
difference in the residual of order 1e-9 that then propagates to the 
solution. In the meantime I also figured out where the difference in the 
matrices was coming from, so now they are identical. This improved the 
overall behavior of the method, although the difference in the residual is 
still present. Thanks again for your help!

On Monday, November 27, 2017 at 6:57:31 PM UTC-5, Bruno Turcksin wrote:
> Dimitris,
> 2017-11-27 17:10 GMT-05:00 Dimitris Ntogkas < 
> <javascript:>>:
>> Thanks for your quick response! You are right about the l2 vs max norm. 
>> However, the error is 1e-4 in the l2 norm too. Just a clarification to make 
>> sure I understand your response. I was indeed thinking of the condition 
>> number, that's why I checked it, but in my case the 1e-11 should lose up to 
>> 5 more digits, which is still better than 1e-4. However, probably your 
>> point is that since I was using cg with tolerance of 1e-8, this is already 
>> a loss of accuracy that I did not take into account in the above 
>> calculation. Is this correct?
> Here is what I am thinking. The tolerance is 1e-8 so if the residual of 
> serial is 1e-9 and the residual of parallel is 3e-9, they both satisfy the 
> tolerance. Because the condition number is 1e5, a difference of 1e-9 in the 
> residual will give you a difference of 1e4 in the error (which is what you 
> have). So now the question is: does a difference of 1e-11 in the matrix 
> plus round-off errors can create a difference of 1e-9 in the residual? This 
> sounds possible but you have to check by looking what is going on at each 
> step of the algorithm.
> Best,
> Bruno

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