Dear all,

I have a question with regards to the behavior of the Conjugate Gradient 
method in serial and parallel. I am using version 8.5 of dealii and I have 
a parallel implementation based on Trilinos. 
The system matrix is in a block format and sparse, with blocks A, B, B^T 
and 0. The right hand side has two blocks, f_0 and f_1 = 0. I am using a 
Schur complement similar to step 20 but in parallel to solve the system and 
I am facing an issue with the first step of the solve routine, where I use 
the conjugate gradient to solve for y_1. At this point I am not using any 

I have exported and converted the matrices and vectors in appropriate 
format, so that I am able to work with them in Matlab too. When I compare 
the system matrix created serially and the one created in parallel (say 
mpirun -n2), their maximum difference in absolute value is of order 1e-11. 
The right hand sides created serially and in parallel are identical. 
However, the solution of the system with tolerance for CG 1e-8, has a 
maximum difference of order 1e-4. However, for this particular calculation 
the condition number of the Schur complement is of order 1e+5 (calculated 
in Matlab). Moreover, when I use Matlab to do the Schur solve with CG for 
those matrices and the same tolerance, the resulting solutions differ by an 
order of 1e-12. 

The above discrepancy in the solution reduces by two orders if I make the 
tolerance for CG to be smaller, i.e. of order 1e-11, for both the serial 
and the parallel execution. 

My question is why for this difference in the matrices and this condition 
number do I see such a difference in the solution? Could this be related to 
how CG is implemented in parallel and how the tolerance is guaranteed in 
parallel vs serially?


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