> On 12 Oct 2017, at 13:34, Denis Davydov <davyd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Vinayak,
> I don't think it's appropriate to request other developers to help you fix 
> your unit test. 
> I think both myself and Daniel explained that you need to use the 
> preprocessor variable in your .cc unit tests.
> If you have problems getting it right, then it should be trivial to debug: 
> you just check what you write as a path within your .cc file and compare
> that to your directory structure. Do you point to the file which exists? Is 
> it the right file? 
> You can also run tests in verbose mode to help with this task: ctest -V -R 
> "some/regex"
> "Setting up testsuite in user projects" 
> https://www.dealii.org/developer/index.html gives code snippets and explains 
> how to setup a  user project into a library+executable.
> Note that everyone here in the forum helps others voluntarily. So it's a 
> place to ask questions and seek for advice, 
> but the place to ask others to solve your task for you.

but NOT the place...

> Also make sure you read this guidelines post: 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/dealii/GRZMUTLIm2I
> Regards,
> Denis.
> On Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 12:13:11 PM UTC+2, Vinayak Gholap wrote:
> Hello Daniel,
> I have attached the test.cc (in my case gaussian-charges.cc) , .prm and .data 
> input files. With this setup for test it fails.
> Could you help?
> Regards,
> Vinayak Gholap
> On Friday, October 6, 2017 at 5:34:56 PM UTC+2, Daniel Arndt wrote:
> Vinayak,
> Your error looks like you are trying to call read_input on your data file 
> instead of the parameter file.
> At least you seem to be able to find the correct path to your data file in 
> the unit test and this is what this thread 
> is about, isn't it?
> I tried to parse the .prm file but still the unit test fail. And yes I am 
> able to find the correct path to my data file but not able to run unit test 
> with it.
> So again: Are you calling read_input for the parameter file or the data file? 
> How does your setup actually look like?
> Is it similar to the one I suggested above?
> Do you have a working setting (without the testsuite setup) for which you can 
> treat your data file appropriately?
> If this works, we can try to find out why it doesn't work using the testuite 
> setting.
> Yes I have a working setting where I am able to read different data files for 
> different .prm files and they work as expected for all.
> Then, the code should be identical apart from putting SOURCE_DIR in the 
> places where you are reading the parameter file and the data file.
> Is this the case?
> If this doesn't help, can you come up with a minimal example version of the 
> setup you are using?
> Best,
> Daniel
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