I installed PETSc using this configuration line:
Configure Options: --configModules=PETSc.Configure 
PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-complex --with-scalar-type=complex --with-cc=gcc --with
-cxx=g++ --with-fc=gfortran --with-mkl_pardiso=1 --with-blas-lapack-dir=
/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mkl/lib/ --with-debugging=0 
COPTFLAGS="-O3 -march=native -mtune=native" CXXOPTFLAGS="-O3 -march=native 
-mtune=native" --with-mpi=0
and also disabled MPI in dealII. But now when trying to compile example 3 
using the line
g++ -I/opt/intel/mkl/include -I/petsc/linux-gnu-complex/include/ -I/petsc/
include/ -I/opt/intel/tbb/include -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP 
-MF"src/dealII_test3.d" -MT"src/dealII_test3.o" -o "src/dealII_test3.o" 
I get the error message 
In file included from /petsc/include/petscbag.h:4:0,
                 from /petsc/include/petsc.h:5,
                 from /usr/local/include/deal.II/fe/fe_values.h:46,
                 from ../src/dealII_test3.cpp:18:
/petsc/include/petscsys.h:140:6: error: #error "PETSc was configured with 
--with-mpi=0 but now appears to be compiling using a different mpi.h"
Why is petsc still using an mpi.h-include file? And how can I fix that?


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