Hi Bruno,

I changed the corresponding code and remake the library again, 
unfortunately, the same warn came out as before.

I changed this in another workstation which uses MPICH2, it also failed 
during solving the two systems.

I'm trying to update my OpenMPI to v2.1, but in the latest version, it does 
not has the libs of libmpi_usempi.so which is ignored since v2.0. 

Thank you for your help



在 2017年5月21日星期日 UTC+8上午1:33:51,Bruno Turcksin写道:
> Jack, 
> 2017-05-19 22:06 GMT-04:00 Jack <yche...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: 
> > I should update my OpenMPI to the latest version and such problem will 
> be 
> > avoided and I do not need to change my code for initialization of MPI 
> and 
> > TBB myself? 
> Unfortunately, you wil need to initialize MPI yourself or you can 
> change this line 
> https://github.com/dealii/dealii/blob/master/source/base/mpi.cc#L321 
> in 
> dealii/source/base/mpi.cc (replace MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED by 
> MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE) and recompile deal. Here is some explanation on 
> the different options available 
> https://www.open-mpi.org/doc/current/man3/MPI_Init_thread.3.php If you 
> still have the problem then you can try to update you version of 
> OpenMPI. 
> Best, 
> Bruno 

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