Dear all,


I’m trying to solve the thermal diffusion and Stokes flow problem 
simultaneously, similar to the step-32. I opened two threads to solve 
thermal diffusion and Stokes equations during solving by linear solvers 
(the former is solved by CG solver and the latter is solved by GMRES 
solver) after assembling the matrices and RHS. I encountered a problem when 
I using parallel computing in combination with distributed and shared 

 The code is like following:


assemble_stokes_flow_system ();

Threads::Task<void> task =

Threads::new_task (&Problem<dim>::solve_thermal_diffsuion, *this);

solve_stokes_flow ();


The program ran successfully with single process and showed a high 
performance of thread parallel computing, unfortunately, when I ran the 
program using several processes I got following error. I have googled this 
error and can not find any solution. Could someone help me?

Thanks in advance!

[warn] opal_libevent2021_event_base_loop: reentrant invocation.  Only one 
event_base_loop can run on each event_base at once.

[warn] opal_libevent2021_event_base_loop: reentrant invocation.  Only one 
event_base_loop can run on each event_base at once.

[warn] opal_libevent2021_event_base_loop: reentrant invocation.  Only one 
event_base_loop can run on each event_base at once.

[warn] opal_libevent2021_event_base_loop: reentrant invocation.  Only one 
event_base_loop can run on each event_base at once.

[warn] opal_libevent2021_event_base_loop: reentrant invocation.  Only one 
event_base_loop can run on each event_base at once.

[warn] opal_libevent2021_event_base_loop: reentrant invocation.  Only one 
event_base_loop can run on each event_base at once.

[warn] opal_libevent2021_event_base_loop: reentrant invocation.  Only one 
event_base_loop can run on each event_base at once.

[warn] opal_libevent2021_event_base_loop: reentrant invocation.  Only one 
event_base_loop can run on each event_base at once.

[warn] opal_libevent2021_event_base_loop: reentrant invocation.  Only one 
event_base_loop can run on each event_base at once.

[warn] opal_libevent2021_event_base_loop: reentrant invocation.  Only one 
event_base_loop can run on each event_base at once.

[warn] opal_libevent2021_event_base_loop: reentrant invocation.  Only one 
event_base_loop can run on each event_base at once.

Thank you very much.





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