Hello Daniel,

Thank you so much for pointing this out. I have been stuck here for a long 
time and could not figure out. 

I understood that the sparsity pattern class was some how failing to know 
that space needs to be allocated for coupling with *the_dof even though it 
was not locally relevant dof.*
But again, I was under the impression that since the constraintMatrix 
object is passed to it, it should now which dofs are coupled and which are 

I tried to understand whether they work on the same index set by looking at 
the source code of ConstraintMatrix::add_entries_local_to_global to 
generate sparsity pattern.

Here is a suggestion, that I think might be helpful in debugging such 

When constraint matrix object was initialized only with locally relevant 
dofs and had no knowledge of *the_dof, *an assert was triggered which 
helped me understand the error.
By looking at the source code where the assert was triggered, I was able to 
add *the_dof* to the locally relevant IndexSet  to initialize constraint 

I think  it would be much more clear if such an Assert / Assert Throw is 
 placed somewhere in the Sparsity pattern class. This way one can make sure 
that error is not coming while assembling (doing cell->get_dof_indices()) 
or from any other source. More over, if such an issue arises, the error 
will be reported right away while generating sparsity pattern.

For example: Such an assert is triggered if two constraints are merged when 
they are initialized with different index sets.
So, should the index sets of two objects -- constraints and sparsity 
pattern -- not be compared when making a sparsity pattern?

I again would like to thank you for pointing out the error. I really 
appreciate your help.

On Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 9:16:57 AM UTC-4, Daniel Arndt wrote:
> Rajat,
> It seems that I confused lines and did not express in the code what I 
> wrote above:
> You have to add that additional index also when initializing the sparsity 
> pattern, i.e.
>   std::cout << " constraints printed " <<std::endl;
>   DynamicSparsityPattern dsp (locally_relevant_dofs);
> should become
>   std::cout << " constraints printed " <<std::endl;
>   locally_relevant_dofs.add_index(the_dof);
>   DynamicSparsityPattern dsp (locally_relevant_dofs);
> Best,
> Daniel

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