@Stephen DeWitt 

I think the best place to report such problems 
is https://github.com/LLNL/spack/issues

Looking at your error, i think it happens within your cluster, as it's 
ldconfig which complains

/sbin/ldconfig: Can't create temporary cache file /etc/ld.so.cache~: 
> Permission denied

But frankly, i have no idea what is going on. 

If you have ncurses provided by your OS and it has a standard 
prefix/include with prefix/lib or prefix/lib64 locations,
then you can try using it instead by adding to your 

    version: [6.0]
      ncrses@6.0%gcc@4.8.5: /path/to/ncurses/prefix/
    buildable: False

which will instruct Spack that this package is provided externally and 
there is no need to build it.

There are plans to add OS specific configuration scopes to automate usage 
of external packages, but it's not yet there,
see https://github.com/LLNL/spack/issues/2700


On Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 6:43:13 PM UTC+1, Bruno Turcksin wrote:
> I have tried to use spack several times on two clusters and it never 
> worked for me (but it works fine on my own machine). I usually have to 
> patch a bunch of things and at the 

I am sorry, but when I see those comments, I have to say that I use Spack 
all the time on our cluster and it* works* for me. 
And it does for other folks in our chair who use it on the same cluster for 
their calculations with deal.II. 
Not only that, it works on my macOS Sierra and on a PC with Ubuntu 16.04. 
Bottom line - YMMW.


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