I'm trying to install dealii on a shared AFS file system. Originally, I 
tried to install everything manually, which I had done successfully on our 
HPC cluster, but ran into a PETSc link error and decided to try Spack.

I followed the instructions on the deal.II wiki, but installation stopped 
during the "install" phase for "ncurses". The packages "bzip2" and 
"muparser" installed without a problem.

Here's the error message:


*==>* Staging archive: 

*==>* Created stage in 

*==>* Applied patch sed_pgi.patch

*==>* Ran patch() for ncurses

*==>* Building ncurses [AutotoolsPackage]

*==>* Executing phase : 'autoreconf'

*==>* Executing phase : 'configure'

*==>* Executing phase : 'build'

*==>* Executing phase : 'install'

*==>* Error: ProcessError: Command exited with status 2:

    'make' '-j2' 'install'

in install:

     277      def install(self, spec, prefix):

     278          """Makes the install targets specified by

     279          :py:attr:``~.AutotoolsPackage.install_targets``

     280          """

     281          with working_dir(self.build_directory):

  >> 282              inspect.getmodule(self).make(*self.install_targets)

See build log for details:


I went to the build log (which is quite long), and see several errors like 

cd ../lib && (ln -s -f libpanel.so.6.0 libpanel.so.6; ln -s -f 
libpanel.so.6 libpanel.so; )

/usr/bin/ld: total time in link: 0.021996

/usr/bin/ld: data size 29224512

&& (ln -s -f libpanel.so.6.0 libpanel.so.6; ln -s -f libpanel.so.6 
libpanel.so; )

test -z "" && /sbin/ldconfig

/sbin/ldconfig: Can't create temporary cache file /etc/ld.so.cache~: 
Permission denied

Error 1 (ignored)

The last few lines of the build log (which I'm not sure are relevant) are:

Running sh 
tic to install 

        You may see messages regarding extended capabilities, e.g., AX.

        These are extended terminal capabilities which are compiled


                tic -x

        If you have ncurses 4.2 applications, you should read the INSTALL

        document, and install the terminfo without the -x option.

** creating form.pc

** creating ncurses++.pc

touch pc-files

/bin/sh -c 'for name in *.pc; do /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 $name 

Judging from the error, I'm assuming that it's a permissions issue. I 
double-checked that my $SPACK_ROOT environment variable is set correctly. 
The first line of the build log includes a '--prefix=' statement, which 
correctly picks up the $SPACK_ROOT path.

Does anyone have ideas on what the problem is? Digging around the Spack 
documentation didn't turn up anything.


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