Dear Franco,

> My question here is this: why am I not using the normal to the face?

To really understand this you need to become more familiar how you arrive 
at the weak form of the govening equations that you're trying to implement. 
On the Neumann boundary you are prescribing a traction *vector* (this is 
the most general case; this vector need not have any particular orientation 
wrt. the face)/ Using Cauchy's theorem the traction vector can also be 
expressed as the contraction of a stress tensor and the (outwards) normal 
vector (see, for example, equ 5.14 in these notes 
If you are to apply a hydrostatic pressure then this tensor can also be 
written as a scalar (the pressure) multiplied by the identity tensor - so 
this case simplifies to a scalar pressure multiplied by the normal vector.

So, to reinforce what Luca has already said, it depends on exactly what 
you're trying to do as to how you'd implement this (and whether or not you 
need the normal vector at all).


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