On Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 7:49:52 PM UTC+1, Jean-Paul Pelteret 
> Dear Franco,
> Super quick answer: Step-44 demonstrates how to implement the Neumann BC 
> for elasticity 
> <https://www.dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/step_44.html#Solidassemble_system_rhs>
> .

Thanks for your pointer, Jean-Paul, I appreciate it. I am coming from 
Fenics, where all these details were completely hidden and almost 
inaccessible: I just used weak forms there. It was easier but, ultimately, 
not powerful enough. So this is new to me, I am sorry if I'm asking 
something trivial.

I have tried to implement it, but I think I have a wrong result. This is 
the code I've written:

        // Neumann (boundary forces on top boundary == id 2)

        for (unsigned int face_number = 0; face_number < GeometryInfo<dim>::
faces_per_cell; ++face_number)


            if (cell->face(face_number)->at_boundary() && (cell->face
(face_number)->boundary_id() == 2))


                // Get face FE values for this face and cell

                fe_face_values.reinit(cell, face_number);


                // Neumann force vector on the face

get_quadrature_points(), rhs_face_values);

                for(unsigned int f_q_point = 0; f_q_point < 
n_face_q_points; ++f_q_point)


                    // Add contributions to all DOFs

                    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dofs_per_cell; ++i)


                        const unsigned int component_i = fe.


                        cell_rhs(i) += (    fe_face_values.shape_value(i, 
f_q_point) *

component_i] *


                                        ) * fe_face_values.JxW(f_q_point);


                } // Integral for linear form


        } // Boundary forces

My point is to integrate a distributed force f on the top boundary, so as 
far as I understand this (from the tutorial 44), I have to do cycle over 
all boundary faces, get values (normals, shape functions, jacobians) and 
their values on the quadrature points, and finally add them to the right 
hand side.

Where is the error?

Thank you very much!

PS. I am still struggling on some terms in deal.II, as for instance the 
role of "fe.system_to_component_index(i).first", but I need to write code 
to understand thoroughly how to switch my codebase from Fenics.

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