On 12/22/2016 09:10 AM, cmhame...@gmail.com wrote:
The thing is though that I don't actually need to integrate at these points.
The method still employ a 4node quad element in 2d or an 8 node hex element in
3d but only uses the element centroid to calculate the deformation gradient,
no quadrature is actually done at that point so I feel like I need to
interpolate otherwise the way deal makes the FESystem objects I'll now have
quad points at all centroids that should be integrated, or am I
misunderstanding something here?

We use FEValues in deal.II to *evaluate shape functions and solutions* at individual points. These are typically quadrature points, but in reality that's just a convention: FEValues is quite happy to give you point values whether you do or do not want to use them for integration/quadrature. So what you do is describe the point you are interested in through a Quadrature<dim> object; if you don't want to use it for integration, then you don't care about the FEValues' JxW value, which also means that it is not important to set any weights in the Quadrature object you create for the points you care about.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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