Firstly, a tangential observation: For the mean dilatation element 
(Q1-P0-P0), the dilation and pressure variables can be condensed out on an 
element level and a modified one-field formulation remains. For this 
element the "mean dilatation" means that one must compute
  \bar{\theta} = 1/V_{e} * \int_{element} \theta (X) dV
where V_{e} is the volume of the element 
  V_{e} = \int_{element} dV

Could it be that your "centroid" value \bar{F} is to coincide with the mean 
value of F? If so, then could you not just compute the element average in 
the same way as for the mean dilation \theta?


On Thursday, December 22, 2016 at 5:10:04 PM UTC+1, 
> The thing is though that I don't actually need to integrate at these 
> points. The method still employ a 4node quad element in 2d or an 8 node hex 
> element in 3d but only uses the element centroid to calculate the 
> deformation gradient, no quadrature is actually done at that point so I 
> feel like I need to interpolate otherwise the way deal makes the FESystem 
> objects I'll now have quad points at all centroids that should be 
> integrated, or am I misunderstanding something here?
> On Thursday, December 22, 2016 at 9:21:01 AM UTC-5, Denis Davydov wrote:
>> Hi
>> On Thursday, December 22, 2016 at 5:47:24 AM UTC+1, 
>> wrote:
>>> I have gone through some of the tutorials previously and thought it was 
>>> about time I actually tried to implement something on my own in the 
>>> library. 
>>> I am attempting to implement a finite strain code using the F-Bar 
>>> method. Essentially this is a single field formulation which requires the 
>>> calculation the of the deformation gradient at the element center. The 
>>> trick here is though that the element centroid isn't a vertex.
>>> My question is, is there a way to "interpolate" the displacement 
>>> gradient at the element center without explicitly making it a quadrature 
>>> point or will I have to implement my own quadrature formula for this method?
>> Yes, employ a custom quadrature formula with a single point with 
>> coordinates {0.5, 0.5, 0.5} to feed it to FEValues. 
>> There is no reason to figure out how to interpolate things, just use 
>> Quadrautre<dim> and FEValues<dim> together to evaluate your solution at 
>> quadrature point(s).
>> Regards,
>> Denis.
>>> Thank you for any assistance that can be provided.

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