Dear Jean-Paul,

Thanks so much for your explanation, I used the second option you give me
according to the original line code. I also removed other warnings similar
to it.

Please, help me with another problem presented in the next line code:

           *p = fe_v_s.quadrature_point(qs) - par.ring_center;*

The error it sends me is the following:

jomivalen@Nalia ~/ifem/ans-ifem $ make
[ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/ifem.dir/source/
/home/jomivalen/ifem/ans-ifem/source/ In instantiation of
‘void ImmersedFEM<dim>::get_Pe_F_and_DPeFT_dxi_values(const
dealii::FEValues<dim, dim>&, const std::vector<unsigned int>&, const
dealii::Vector<double>&, bool, std::vector<dealii::Tensor<2, dim> >&,
std::vector<dealii::Tensor<2, dim> >&,
std::vector<std::vector<dealii::Tensor<2, dim> > >&) [with int dim = 2]’:
/home/jomivalen/ifem/ans-ifem/source/   required
from here
/home/jomivalen/ifem/ans-ifem/source/ error: no
match for ‘operator=’ (operand types are ‘dealii::Point<2, double>’ and
‘dealii::Tensor<1, 2, double>’)
   p = fe_v_s.quadrature_point(qs) - par.ring_center; // p =
fe_v_s.quadrature_point(qs) - par.ring_center;
/home/jomivalen/ifem/ans-ifem/source/ note:
candidates are:
In file included from
/home/jomivalen/cfem/dealii/include/deal.II/base/point.h:89:7: note:
dealii::Point<2, double>& dealii::Point<2, double>::operator=(const
dealii::Point<2, double>&)
 class Point : public Tensor<1,dim,Number>
/home/jomivalen/cfem/dealii/include/deal.II/base/point.h:89:7: note:   no
known conversion for argument 1 from ‘dealii::Tensor<1, 2, double>’ to
‘const dealii::Point<2, double>&’
/home/jomivalen/cfem/dealii/include/deal.II/base/point.h:89:7: note:
dealii::Point<2, double>& dealii::Point<2,
double>::operator=(dealii::Point<2, double>&&)
/home/jomivalen/cfem/dealii/include/deal.II/base/point.h:89:7: note:   no
known conversion for argument 1 from ‘dealii::Tensor<1, 2, double>’ to
‘dealii::Point<2, double>&&’

Thanks for your time,

2016-12-15 6:22 GMT-04:00 Jean-Paul Pelteret <>:

> Dear Joaquín,
> From your previous posts I assume that all of PeFT, Pe[qs] and F[qs]
> represent rank 2 tensors. If this is correct then no, the contraction
> indices that you've specified are not correct. They're out of the range
> [0,1] that are valid for rank-2 tensors, and this would presumably trigger
> an assertion in debug mode (at the very least).
> For simplicity, lets call these three rank-2 tensors "A,B,C". Then we
> could compute the two possible single index contraction results, expressed
> in index notation, as follows:
> (1a)  A_{ij} = B_{ik} C_{kj} --> A = contract<1,0>(B,C); // The second
> index of the first tensor contracts with the first index of the second
> tensor
> or, more simply,
> (1b) A = B*C;
> (2)A_{ij} = B_{ik} C_{kj} --> A = contract<1,1>(B,C); // The second index
> of the first tensor contracts with the second index of the second tensor
> Does this explain a bit better how the function works?
> Regards,
> J-P
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Joaquin Valencia
Graduate Student

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