Yes the FEValues defined for each dell dinfo1.cell  and dinfo2.cell
provides  all the interior information of the cells( however  I did not
succeed in the accuracy test  so far, but it works ).

In fact,  apart from the interface  values  I need  solution  values  at
the interior  of   each cell,  usually  for  time dependent problem this is
not really needed ( only the limit value at the face  is required from each
side of the face). In my case the method is a bit different, here to
compute the interface flux it needs to know few values of the solution in
the interior as well.( I am not sure if it is  an efficient way to compute
it in the call  integrate_face_term in the meshworker set up).

Thanks  a lot.

On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 10:23 AM, Wolfgang Bangerth <>

> On 11/22/2016 06:13 AM, sudarshan kumar wrote:
>> Thanks  a  lot, yes  it works.  In fact I am working on time dependent
>> problem, and so in my method I need an adjacent interior value when I am
>> at
>> the face. Thanks a lot.
> But don't the FEValues objects you get for the face provide these values?
> I mean, they evaluate the solution and shape functions on either side of
> the face. In other words, while the quadrature points for these two objects
> have the same physical locations, they evaluate the elements as the limits
> of points coming from each of the cells, and consequently the values are
> different even though the points are the same.
> Or do you need to evaluate the solution at points inside the cells that
> are not in fact on the interface?
> Best
>  W.
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Dr. Sudarshan Kumar Kenettinkara
Post doctoral fellow
Centro de Investigación en Ingeniería Matemática
UDEC, Casilla-160
Concepcion, Chile 4030000
Phone  +56 9 98095323
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